Instructional Design Trainee F/H VINCI Energies France IOAP

Nanterre (92)Stage
Il y a 14 joursCandidature facile

Description du poste

As an instructional design trainee, you will be in charge of:

  • Supporting digital training modules creation: from storyboard to the final design
    • Create digital trainings on topics related to energy (using primarily Gomo, Genially, Vyond and/or VTS as authoring tools)
    • Participate to courses' translation and adaptation for different countries - LMS follow up (feedbacks and statistics; we use Cornerstone as the LMS)
    • Training the local teams for e-learning trainings creation (methodology and digital tools) and supporting them long term
  • Support Omexom Institute development
    • Identification of new needs in terms of training
    • Enhance links within our network

As our network is international, you should agree to travel in and out of France and be able to speak several languages (mandatory English and French).

Description du profil

We're looking for dedicated individuals to join our Knowledge Management team, collaborate on dynamic projects, and learn more about digital learning. Your role we be in supporting digital training modules and videos creation.
Langues: Français et Anglais obligatoire
Niveau: Bac +5

L'entreprise : VINCI Energies France IOAP

Au sein de VINCI Energies France, le Pôle VINCI Energies France Industrie Ouest-Atlantique & Pacifique (basé à Mérignac - 33) accompagne une cinquantaine d'entreprises qui lui sont rattachées. Il offre à ses clients une gamme étendue de services à forte valeur ajoutée dans les activités de conception, réalisation et maintenance des process et des sites industriels.

Postulez chez VINCI Energies France IOAP

au poste de Instructional Design Trainee F/H - Stage.

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Référence : 2024-97944