Robotics Engineer (M/F) CESI

Puteaux (92)CDDTélétravail occasionnel accepté
Il y a 2 joursSoyez parmi les premiers à postulerCandidature facile

Description du poste

Who are we ?

With 25 campuses, 8,500 graduates per year, and 106,000 alumni, CESI is a leading engineering school that promotes social mobility through excellence. By joining CESI, you become part of a dynamic environment that combines teamwork, diverse projects, and autonomy.

Our research unit, CESI LINEACT (UR 7527), is committed to innovation and regional competitiveness. We focus our efforts on applied research tailored to the needs of businesses.

Project Description and Responsibilities

As part of the REISAR (Système Robotisé Avancé pour l'Inspection des Réseaux d'Assainissement et la Préservation de l'Eau) project, funded by France 2030 and ANR, we are recruiting 5 Robotics Research Engineers (M/F).

The aim of this project is to send semi-autonomous robots into sanitation environments (sewers networks ) to :

  • Detect anomalies (deterioration of infrastructures)
  • Limit water loss and pollution of watercourses.

Video presentation :

3 themes will be addressed:

  • 1. Control and Navigation (CESI Saint-Nazaire Campus)
  • 2. Location (CESI Toulouse and Rouen campuses)
  • 3. Understanding the environment (CESI Nice and Saint-Nazaire campuses)

5 positions on these different themes are open with the following missions:

1. Control and Navigation in a heterogeneous land/water environment, and contribute to implementation on experimental sites. (Saint-Nazaire Campus)

Your main tasks :

  • Develop slip-robust control methods adapted to a variety of environments.
  • Performance evaluation of the control method.
  • Support the software integration of developed technologies via a continuous integration process.

2.Localization and filtering of different localization sources, up to implementation on experimental site. (Toulouse and Rouen campuses)

Your main tasks :

  • Implement a functional exteroceptive localization method, adapted to robotic contexts in sanitation environments, based on vision, LiDAR and proprioceptive data (IMU).
  • Build datasets to test and evaluate algorithm performance.
  • Support the technological maturity and robustness of the localization brick, in particular by integrating it into a continuous integration process.

3. Understanding the environment

a) Detection and classification of objects and materials using multispectral sensors (Nice Campus)

  • Comparison of methods and data for identifying materials using multi/hyper-spectral sensors
  • Creation of multi/hyper spectral datasets and reference images:
  • Evaluation of classification methods
  • Developing and integrating new learning models

b) Multispectral and geometric information fusion - LiDAR (Saint-Nazaire Campus)

  • Data acquisition and processing.
  • Detect the presence of objects/obstacles and identify materials.
  • Setting up and validating extrinsic LiDAR-camera calibration methods.
  • Sensor fusion (LiDAR and cameras).

Missions common to all 5 research engineers :

  • Maintain an active technology watch in your area of expertise.
  • Write technical documentation and project deliverables.
  • Document processes and share feedback to promote technology transfer and replicability.
  • Making data available to the scientific community.

Why join us ?

  • A project combining innovative technology and sustainable development that gives meaning to your skills
  • A national research community
  • Innovative equipment at the cutting edge of technology

Description du profil


Training and experience

  • Bachelor, or master (in engineering school)
  • Significant experience in the field for which you are applying (control, localization, understanding of the environment)

Global technical skills

  • Langages : Python, C++.
  • Robotic environment: Knowledge of ROS.
  • Mastery of software development tools (GIT, documentation, CI)
  • Operating system knowledge: LINUX & WINDOWS

Technical skills: control (1.)

  • Knowledge of robotic planning and control methods

Technical skills: localization (2.)

  • Solid knowledge of 3D geometry and LiDAR point cloud processing.
  • Sensor calibration
  • Data fusion (LiDAR-camera)

Technical skills - understanding the environment (3.)

  • Expertise in Machine/Deep Learning frameworks: Pytorch, Keras, TensorFlow
  • Knowledge of Multi-/Hyper-spectral image processing methods and Computer Vision applications (image classification and semantic segmentation).
  • Nvidia GPU programming skills

Behavioral skills

  • Ability to work as part of a team.
  • Curiosity and ingenuity.
  • Good interpersonal skills and technical aptitude.
  • Public speaking skills.

CESI is committed to combating all forms of discrimination, so our job offers are open and accessible to all. So apply now and join the CESI adventure!


  • Mutual insurance covered at +90%
  • Luncheon vouchers 10 euros per day, 60% reimbursed
  • Profit-sharing and incentive bonuses / PEE and PERCO plans
  • 6 weeks CP and 14 days RTT per year
  • Remote work possible as soon as the trial period has been validated (2 days per week, up to a maximum of 8 days per month).

L'entreprise : CESI

CESI est une école d'ingénieurs qui fait de la promotion sociale par l'excellence un modèle de réussite. Rejoignez un environnement stimulant où l'esprit d'équipe, la diversité des projets et l'autonomie ne font qu'un. Découvrez une école qui a su développer un modèle unique et se donne les moyens au quotidien de relever les grands défis de l'époque. Nos 25 campus, 28 000 étudiants, 8000 entreprises partenaires et 106 000 alumni témoignent de l'impact de CESI au niveau national.

CESI accompagne ses étudiants en utilisant des méthodes innovantes de pédagogie active. L'établissement forme avec rigueur les futurs ingénieurs, techniciens et managers, dans les secteurs suivants : l'Industrie & l'Innovation, le BTP, l'Informatique et le Numérique et le Développement Durable. Parallèlement, CESI concrétise son engagement dans la Recherche à travers des activités menées au sein de son Laboratoire d'Innovation Numérique, CESI LINEACT.

Les partenariats établis avec 130 universités à travers le globe, attestent de l'engagement international de CESI. Ces liens privilégiés offrent aux élèves ingénieurs une mobilité sortante et entrante à l'échelle internationale, façonnée notamment par des stages obligatoires faisant partie intégrante de leur cursus.

Référence : 144884